Sunday, July 11, 2010


So if you like, fell off the face of the earth, this is news to you - ESPAÑA WON THE WORLD CUP, and I'm here for it!!!! AMAZING!!!!!!

The emotions right now are indescribable. Amazement. Joy. Awe. Shock. Everything is running through my head a million miles an hour, just loving the way Spain played throughout the entire tournament and how special it is that I'm here to enjoy all of this, especially because it's Spain's first win EVER.

We went to the Plaza del Toro again to watch the game, and it was packed, to the point where I felt like a sardine. It was so fun dancing and watching the game, and when we scored the place went NUTS. Literally. Some guy through his full glass of beer in the air and I got soaked, but hey, who cared? With four minutes left to go, we had taken the lead, and no one cared what the heck was going around in the Plaza. The entire game, we were on our toes, just anticipating winning, and how amazing it would be. When that final whistle blew, the crowd went absolutely crazy. It was a huge dance-fest for like, and hour, and the cheer "Yo soy español, español, español" (I'm a Spaniard) reverberated through the crowd like a shock-wave. Holy cow, that just happened! We WON!!!!!! (haha, funny side note: one of the songs was none other than "We are the Champions" by Queen. In english. And everyone knew the words! LOVE IT!)

Afterwards, again, we danced in the fountain. OF COURSE! It was an amazing win for Spain, and I can't wait to share in the excitement this week. Maybe I'll even go to Madrid for the celebratory parade?? Hmm, thats a definite possibility.

So even though I'm Dutch, yo soy español. I've been rooting for them the entire tournament, and have not missed one game. Not one! Winning el mundial (the world cup) has just made my experience that much more enjoyable, and more personal. I will never have this chance again, so I'm going to live it up. I'm only a spaniard for 6 weeks, but hey, these past 4 weeks have changed my life. I've got to take advantage of it!

I'll leave you with a quote from a billboard in Madrid: "Es nuestro año, será nuestra era" (it is our year, it will be our era) - SO TRUE!


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